You're a recent college graduate, and one of the lucky few who landed a dream job in one of the worst economies in recent history. Congratulations! Unfortunately, you still go to work looking as though you dragged yourself out of bed 10 minutes before your 8:00am International Economics class, after a night of partying with your roommates.
The goal of this blog is to get all new degree holders to know and understand the concept of 'business casual" in the meeting planning and hospitality industry.
According to The New York Times, business casual means dressing professionally, looking relaxed, yet neat and pulled together. Or, as Wikipedia, the Internet encyclopedia, put it, business casual is a kind of middle ground between formal business wear and street wear.
As a Meeting Planner, I have been witness to some of the best dressed individuals in the industry, as well as the worst of the worst. You may not want to admit it, but physical appearance is your first and only chance to make a positive first impression. The meetings industry is very small. No matter what you do, or where you go, it is important that you put forth an effort to look professional, groomed, and presentable. Your new boss wants to know that you can hold your own at a cocktail reception and sporting events in box seats with executives and future business colleagues. So please. Take off your Old Navy (and I love Old Navy) circa 2000 t-shirt, and venture into the new territory of … (gasp), dressing for the real world (not MTV).
Lulu's offers moderately priced clothing for the budget conscious career girl, like this Navy print dress ($55.00).
What if you love the edgy, contemporary look? I am a firm believer of being yourself, but tailoring your signature style in the workplace is key (all courtesy of
Happy planning!
The Mod Meeting Planner
I might have to get that Lulu dress. It is super cute.